Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to Choose the Right Days to Market your Real Estate Services Online

If anything, Social Networking is about timing, and each site has more than just a different set of users, it has a different schedule. Rebecca Levinson has revealed some insights to when communicating through social media is most effective. Follow these guidelines and see your interactions and your relelvancy go up.

There has been a lot of research conducted, mainly for industries outside of real estate (i.e.retail, hospitality, automotive) on the best days and times to market services and products online. Implementing the right timing to deploy marketing campaigns into your online marketing strategy is an effective way to ramp up your results.

Here are 5 tips on choosing the right days to market your real estate services online

1. Tweet Midweek-
You can tweet everyday of the week but for maximum effect make sure to tweet on Wednesdays and Thursdays as they are the most active days of tweets and retweets as found by HubSpot's State of the Twittersphere Q42008.

2. Publish Your Most Important Blog Posts Midweek
Frequency of great original content is still important in building your readership and traffic to your blog. I recommend to my clients that they blog a minimum of 3-5 times per week to be considered as a true content provider in the eyes of their readers.

That being said when is the best time for a blogger to publish their meatiest, most important blog posts? Darren Rowse of Problogger addresses the timing factor in When to Publish Blog Posts-Timing Considerations,"If I have a very important post that I want to get as much attention as possible I generally will publish it on a Tuesday or Wednesday morning (my time)."

Rowse's post also gives some advice as to publishing posts on weekends and holidays that is worth the read as well as the comments on the post (82 so far).
Roger Parker of recommends that if you were to only blog twice per week to publish those blog posts on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Clearly publishing your most important blog posts midweek is a winning strategy.

3. The Weakest Link for Email Marketing is Saturday
You may have several email campaigns in your real estate marketing campaign: email flyers, email follow-up, email newsletters. Email marketing is a heavy hitter for real estate professionals but when is the most effective time for you to deliver your messages to your prospects and customers?
According to the best days of the week to send email marketing are Mondays and Tuesdays and the least effective time by nearly 50% is Saturdays.

The best advice I found and agree with is to survey your email subscribers and ask them when they would like to receive emails from you.
We are approaching the holiday season so it is important to consider the times that people are online and actively shopping. Study these deployment times statistics provided on the website before launching any niche holiday real estate marketing campaigns.

4. Engage your Fans on Facebook on Tuesdays
In findings from Virtue SRM (Social Relationship Manager) the best days to post on your Facebook Business Page is Tuesdays, followed closely Wednesdays with Mondays coming in #3.

**Allow me one deviation~ What I find more or equally fascinating is the 6.49% CLR (Click Thru Rate) of marketing campaigns such as polls and incentives that are run on Facebook business pages. Fans are clearly interacting with their friends on Facebook in a big way and their interactions are also being seen by their friends.**

5. LinkedIn Users Are Active In the Morning
According to a small study by SenderOK Statistics report which was based on a sample of 440 anonymous users the most activity on LinkedIn occurs in the morning. "LinkedIn use is predominantly an 8AM-Noon activity with very, very little activity in the evening. Of particular interest is that LinkedIn users tend to arrive at work earlier than Facebook users do....Those serious early morning LinkedIn users will spend an average of 29 minutes reading real Email before they get around to checking your connection request which they could have read first if they wanted to."

While this is a small sampling of members on LinkedIn and their behavior I can attest that this mimics my LinkedIn use. The first online activity I do in the morning is to check my email(which of course includes my blog activity) and the first social network site I check is LinkedIn and this occurs normally between the hours of 7:30-8:30 a.m.

Take into consideration the times and days that people are online and engaging in these online activities when you create and implement your online real estate marketing strategy.

Once you taken action use an analytics tool to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. Tweak the times you deliver your marketing messages based on your analytics and direct feedback from your recipients.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

Today RE/MAX of Texas salutes and remembers the men and women who have served their country with courage and resolve. RE/MAX of Texas joins every RE/MAX Associate and their families in honoring all these veterans, many of whom are members of our network. We also condole with our north Texas agents who have suffered the loss of community members from the tragedy at Fort Hood.

According to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, 42,348,460 have served our nation during times of war since 1775. This doesn't include the millions of Americans who have served during times of peace. More than 369,000 of the United States Military’s 1,379,551 active-duty troops are currently serving outside the United States and its territories. 1.9 million have been deployed since September 11, 2001. Veterans Day is a time not only to show gratitude to members of our armed forces, but also to reflect on what civilians can do to support veterans both at home and abroad.

Each person has the power to positively affect the life of another. RE/MAX agents across Texas have donated their time and care, not just on Veterans Day, but throughout the year, to show gratitude and appreciation for our men and women in the Armed Forces. Just as critical is the need to support those soldiers recovering in the United States, and the increasing problem of Veteran Homelessness.

Although accurate numbers are impossible to come by -- no one keeps national records on homeless veterans -- The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that 131,000 veterans are homeless on any given night. And approximately twice that many experience homelessness over the course of a year. Conservatively, one out of every three homeless men who is sleeping in a doorway, alley or box in our cities and rural communities has put on a uniform and served this country. According to the National Survey of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients, veterans account for 23 percent of all homeless people in America.

Here are some organizations both national and local that are devoted to the support and honoring of our American Veterans both home and abroad.

Texas Sentinels Foundation
RE/MAX of Texas founded organization that provides homes and financial support to seriously wounded veterans from the War on Terror

Voices Of A Grateful Nation

a non-profit organization that helps veterans suffering from traumatic brain injuries (TBI) through an innovative music-based therapy & teaching program called "Sound Healing."

Soldiers’ Angels
A non-profit organization of over 200,000 volunteers providing care packages and letter correspondence to soldiers abroad.

National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
The resource and technical assistance center for a national network of community-based service providers and local, state and federal agencies that provide emergency and supportive housing, food, health services, job training and placement assistance, legal aid and case management support for hundreds of thousands of homeless veterans each year.

Visit any one of these sites to learn how you can support and honor a veteran today.

God Bless America

Monday, November 9, 2009

RE/MAX Reading List: 5 Essential Books on Business

These days we're all getting up earlier and working later. But in every busy Realtors life there is time to self-educate and inspire your career through reading. Throughout the market downturn, many Realtors have no-doubt swallowed whole the mass of real estate books addressing crisis that have flooded the market in the last two years, but that's not what this list is about. We've put together some classics that still can inspire success. These titles, suggested by RE/MAX of Texas Executives, hold essential lessons and business inspirations for every entrepreneur.

1.) Everybody Wins: The Story and Lessons Behind RE/MAX
Phil Harkins and Keith Hollihan

Everybody Wins details the compelling account of how RE/MAX went from small operation to the world’s largest real estate network. Moreover, it provides firsthand lessons to leaders on how to drive growth into their own organization. A must for every RE/MAX Office and Agent.

2.) From Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't
Jim Collins

Making the transition from good to great doesn't require a high-profile CEO, the latest technology, innovative change management, or even a fine-tuned business strategy. Peppered with dozens of stories and examples from the great and not so great, the book offers a well-reasoned road map to excellence that any organization would do well to consider.

3.) Who Moved My Cheese?
Dr. Spence Johnson

The simple story reveals profound truths about change that give people and organizations a quick and easy way to succeed in changing times. Who Moved My Cheese? is an enlightening story of four characters who live in a "Maze" and look for "Cheese" to nourish them and make them happy.

4.) Magnetic Service: Secrets for Creating Passionately Devoted Customers
Chip and Billijack Bell

The ideal customer defends, champions, forgives, and commits to a company or brand for the long term - but how can a business create such long-lasting loyalty? Chip and Bilijack Bell explain how in Magnetic Service, based on examples of real companies who have done just that. Written in a lively, accessible style, the book shows that loyalty comes not from allegiance to a product but from compelling experiences.

5.) Inside the Magic Kingdom: Seven Keys to Disney's Success
Tom Connellan

No, it’s not a book on real estate. But if one thing can be said for the Disney Corporation, they know how to keep the customer satisfied and coming back for more! Connellan, a senior principal in a consulting firm specializing in customer loyalty holds up Disney in particular as exemplary. Here he re-creates a fictional visit to Disney's Magic Kingdom to bring to life examples of the customer service concepts Disney practices.

Friday, November 6, 2009

RE/MAX Calls for 2010 Convention CMN Auction Items

In times where it seems every business is tightening its belt, those who often suffer the most are charitable non profits and the people they serve. RE/MAX is one of the few companies that has gone the opposite direction and pledged to increase its support of local and national charities. To this end, RE/MAX made a commitment to reach the $100 million contribution mark for Children’s Miracle Network.

Last year, RE/MAX offices nationwide contributed over $8 million. In many cases it was thanks to partnerships from area community-minded business that made all the difference. As we approach our February convention, RE/MAX of Texas asks our agents to tap into this tradition of generosity and donate Auction items for the 2010 RE/MAX of Texas Charity Auction benefiting Children’s Miracle Network. This event has historically raised thousands in much-needed funds for area Children’s Hospitals and the critically ill patients who are cared for there.

Each year, RE/MAX Associates and Affiliates across the state challenge themselves to raise funds higher than the previous year. This year, we again challenge ourselves to make greater contributions to our community by supporting local children’s healthcare. All items donated will be auctioned off at the RE/MAX of Texas Statewide Convention in Fort Worth on February 9, 2010. Please join us in making this year the greatest in our effort to give back to the community. Let's close out the first decade of the millenium with a bang!

For more information on the 2010 RE/MAX Children’s Miracle Network Silent Auction, please contact or by calling 832-321-9014

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Senate Clears the Way for Tax Credit Extension, Expansion

After two weeks of delay, the Senate last night cleared the way to pass a seven month extension and expansion of the tax credit for homebuyers. By an 85 to 2 roll call vote, the Senate voted to cut off debate on a package of measures that includes the homebuyer credit, making it virtually certain that the legislation will reach President Obama for his signature this week.

The homebuyer tax credit, due to expire in 28 days, would be extended through April 30 of next year. First-time buyers who are in process of making a purchased would not need to worry about qualifying for the $8,000 credit if they close after the November 30 deadline.

For the first time, the legislation cleared last night makes move-up buyers as well as first-time buyers would be eligible for a credit. The $8,000 maximum first-timer credit will continue and will now available to couples with income up to $225,000, a nearly $55,000 increase above the level in existing law. A new $6,500 maximum credit would also be available to move-up homeowners who have lived in their current residence for five of the prior eight years.

The legislation cleared last night also contains a provision supported by the National Association of Home Builders. It helps larger companies strapped for cash with net operating losses this year or in 2008.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Senate to Vote on Tax Credit Amendment

Early next week the U.S. Senate will be voting on two amendments that would extend the first-time homebuyer tax credit. Of the amendments that will be proposed, NAR is only supporting the bi-partisan Dodd-Lieberman-Isakson Amendment. This amendment allows an $8,000 credit to ALL homebuyers with income limits of $150k/$300k and would expire on June 30, 2010.

Contact your Texas Senator today and urge them to vote in favor of the Dodd-Lieberman-Isakson Amendment, and help extend the dream of homeownership to millions of Americans across the nation.

Contact Senator John Cornyn

Contact Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Educate for the Future

We’re well into the fourth quarter and like many businesses, we’re already thinking of 2010. It’s been a rough year for some in the real estate industry, while many others are reporting one of their best years yet! Many will say it’s all in the preparation. RE/MAX is preparing for the New Year with more educational opportunities for agents.

In the third quarter, RE/MAX unveiled its partnership with the CE Shop. Now RE/MAX agents can now get MCE course credit online through RE/MAX University’s partnership with the CE Shop, Inc. RE/MAX agents receive a 20% course discount, (and, as a little bonus, are automatically entered into a drawing to win FREE MCE for life!)

This strategic partnership with The CE Shop is vital in providing RE/MAX Associates with a better way to do business and serve their clients. RE/MAX is fortunate to have associates with more advanced professional designations than agents from any other national real estate network and this partnership will allow us to give our agents even more opportunities to be successful The CE Shop uses EASYTrack to help professional real estate agents manage their online education, which includes courses on real estate appraisals, the basics of real estate taxation, the mortgage process, foreclosures, the environmental movement in real estate and more.

To all this we’ve added an alliance with REALTOR® University, the National Association of REALTORS’ (NAR) Online Education Destination, to give members of the global real estate network, access to an additional 400 hours of online designation, certification and professional continuing education.
Combined with RE/MAX International’s industry-leading education platform, RE/MAX University (RU), RE/MAX Affiliates are positioned to remain the most trained and educated real estate agents today.

Through REALTOR® University, NAR offers a variety of professional designations and certifications which uniquely position real estate agents to be experts in certain niches of the market. RE/MAX Associates can sign up for several of these designation courses like e-Buyer, ABRM, Real Estate Professional Assistant (REPA) and more, and receive 5% off the total cost of the designation. RE/MAX University also delivers educational programs to its Associates through classroom training, online streaming video, downloads, conferences and via RE/MAX Satellite Network (RSN), the company’s exclusive satellite TV network.

Of course, we’ll be packing the schedule with more great speakers, seminars, Free Power Start and Technology Tour classes throughout the New Year (and it’s not to late to catch some of them in 2009). Just check for everything you need in Realtor education, and be sure to leverage the resources available through RE/MAX Satellite Network and Agent Training on Demand via RE/MAX University on RE/MAX Mainstreet. When 2010 hits, RE/MAX agents will be ready!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Texas Sentinels Luncheon at The Club at Sonterra

The Texas Sentinels Foundation reached a milestone this year in Houston with the introduction of our first Texas Sentinel, Donny Daughenbaugh. Now we want to take that that momentum to San Antonio! Happily, we’ve found another wounded veteran in whose life the Texas Sentinels Foundation can make a profound difference.

In 2004, Army Sergeant Jorge De Leon lost his leg and suffered loss of hearing and Traumatic Brain Injury in Afghanistan. While maneuvering his Humvee to avoid an insurgent attack, he drove over an anti-tank mine. Wheelchair-bound and despairing of how he would take care of his family after being discharged, Jorge dedicated himself to recovery. Today he walks with the use of a computer controlled prosthetic leg and has joined the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes full-time as a national spokesman. He lives with his family in San Antonio where he also helps identify other wounded veterans who need financial and emotional assistance as a Brooke Army Medical Liaison for CSAH.

With his sacrifice, commitment to recovery and dedication to his fellow soldiers, Jorge is a perfect candidate to receive the Texas Sentinels Foundation Life Scholarship. The Life Scholarship consists of a new home for his family along with four years of financial support through mortgage and tax amnesty as well as healthcare and funds for his continued education.

Please come meet this American Hero and help him and his family achieve the American Dream for which they have sacrificed so much.

We’ll be introducing Jorge to the San Antonio Real Estate Community on October 27, 2009 at The Club at Sonterra. There will be an Introduction Luncheon at 11:30am followed by an informational and organizational meeting afterward.

Tickets are $30 each, with all proceeds benefiting the Texas Sentinels Foundation and wounded veterans like Donny and Jorge.

Register at

Monday, October 5, 2009

Extension on the $8K Tax Credit?

There's no doubt that this year's $8K tax credit has given a much-needed boost to our industry and to those seeking the dream of Homeownership. But as the Nov. 30th deadline that marks the end of the Tax Credit looms ahead, is there anything we can do to keep the boost going? RE/MAX President Vinnie Tracey thinks there is! Recently, he sent out a networkwide letter urging associates to contact their representatives and request an extension to the tax credit. This is an issue that doesn't just affect RE/MAX associates, but all real estate professionals in the U.S., and everyone's voice is equal as long as it is heard.

"A timely issue that is critical to the real estate industry, the expiration of the First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit is on November 30. As most of you know, the First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit has had a positive impact on our market this year. Over a third of all sales have been to First-Time Homebuyers, and research shows that each home sold puts about $60,000 into the local economy. A great return on the government's investment.

Although there are many competitors in our industry, we all agree on one thing: The Tax Credit has been beneficial and it needs to be extended. It would also be helpful to expand the credit to include all homebuyers. In normal times, we would not favor such government involvement, but these are not normal times. At RE/MAX International, we feel strongly that such Tax Credits will not only help stabilize housing prices, but will help us from falling back into recession.

Many independent analysts favor such a Tax Credit. Mark Zandi, Chief Economist with Moody's, says market conditions "remain extraordinarily fragile" and that "the risks of not doing something like this are too great." Zandi also says that the benefit multiplier of a Tax Credit for all homebuyers is greater than most other credits for individuals and businesses.

For those of you who would like to have some influence on the process, I would encourage you to write to your Senator or Representative in Washington. Now is the time to take action, before the Tax Credit expires. If you're not sure how to do this, you may want to use the automated email tools on the NAR web site, which makes the process quick and easy.

If you would like information on specific legislation to extend the Tax Credit, you may like to visit Senator Benjamin Cardin's web site (SB 1678). To learn about legislation that would expand the Tax Credit to all homebuyers, I would encourage you to visit Senator Johnny Isakson's web site, or Representative Howard Coble's web site.

The recovery is NOT certain yet. Our market is still fragile. Foreclosures remain at record levels, unemployment is still rising and home prices are not rebounding. An extended and expanded Tax Credit would provide continued momentum and keep us on the road to a full recovery.

You can make a difference. Contact your legislators, and please talk to your colleagues, clients and friends and do what you can to promote a Homebuyer Tax Credit."

Friday, October 2, 2009

Time to Get Passionately Pink

It’s October!

Everyone else may be thinking in fall colors of orange red and yellow. But at RE/MAX, we’re all about pink! It’s breast cancer awareness month and time again for our annual Passionately Pink Day. Celebrated every October 19th, Passionately Pink Day raises awareness of breast cancer and shows RE/MAX support of breast cancer research through the Komen for the Cure Foundation.

So get your pink shirts, hats and Komen pins ready! Have a pink party and take donations to support Komen. Get your family and affiliates involved and celebrate the community spirit that endlessly battles this devastating disease.

Last year, RE/MAX Bryan-College Station won the RE/MAX Mainstreet Passionately Pink photo contest with their creative and fun pink photo! Let’s win it again for Texas! Send your photos to RE/MAX International and your office may be featured on RE/MAX Mainstreet and also win a special gift package.

Remember that there are lots of Komen Races for the Cure on the horizon. We’ll be at the Houston Komen Race for the Cure tomorrow and we know our friends at RE/MAX Lubbock have something great planned for tomorrow’s Lubbock Race. Dallas and Texarkana are busy organizing their Races for the Cure on October 17th, and look for the RE/MAX Hot Air Balloon in Texarkana. Austin will finish us off for the year in style with their race on November 1st. RE/MAX will be supporting these events as always, and we hope to see many of our friends in the real estate community, supporter or survivor, out there as well!

Monday, September 28, 2009

The RE/MAX Balloon Soars Over Plano and Beyond

The results from the Plano Balloon Festival are in, and we raised nearly $5,000 this year for CMN!

Of course, the RE/MAX Hot Air Balloon took center stage at the festival. As a branding level sponsor, the balloon and other RE/MAX signage was highly visible to attendees of the festival’s 30th anniversary. Despite wet weather, visitors flocked to the event and the RE/MAX Hot Air Balloon braved the elements for exclusive coverage by the local Fox News affiliates.

By selling RE/MAX blinky pins and balloon booth photos, we were able to raise a total of $4,281 for Children’s Miracle Network. We also had our first ever $100 donation from an attendee at the RE/MAX photo booth. It was a moment of amazing generosity.” Adding to that generosity was Michael Coburn of RE/MAX Town & Country, how donated 3,000 inflatable beach balls (along with a compressor to inflate them), which were distributed to the crowd. Afterward, Michael and some of his agents enjoyed a relaxing ride in the RE/MAX Balloon.

One funny event also occured during a low altitude over a Plano subvision. RE/MAX of Texas Aviation director Steve Lombardi spotted a house with a RE/MAX sign out front and its owners standing in the yard. "I couldn't resist," he said. "In the spirit of our famous TV commercials, I yelled down to the owners saying 'Hey, I just wanted to let you know we are working on getting you a contract for your house!'. The owner laughed and said that their agent was showing the house right at that moment. I told her to get the prospective buyers outside to see the balloon. It would be the sign they needed to buy the house!"

There’s more Balloon fun on the way as the Houston area prepares for the 16th annual RE/MAX of Texas Ballunar Liftoff Festival at NASA Johnson Space Center, sponsored by by the City of Nassau Bay. Canceled last year due to Hurricane Ike’s visit, the festival is on track to make up for lost time. Find out more about this excellent event by visiting

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Managing Your Personal Marketing: Taking the Right Photo

A picture is worth a thousand words, and in today’s media it is sometimes the only thing the consumer looks at. Capturing the visual attention of an audience is something advertisers struggle with everyday. When the brand you are trying to sell is you, not just any visual will do.

“Any agent submitting a press release for publication in your local paper or real estate publication needs to be aware of how they present themselves visually,” says RE/MAX of Texas Marketing Manager Mike Sumerlin. “Not just any snapshot will do. Quite often, a good photo is more important to the publication running your story then the text. You want to be sure you are taking the best possible photo to accompany any announcement of your accomplishments.”

Taking a good photo to accompany a press release doesn’t require a professional photographer to be on hand. But there are some tricks that can help you maximize your marketing. You won’t need a high-tech digital camera to get the best quality photos for publication. An everyday digital camera should contain the proper functions for getting a publishable snapshot.

• If you are photographing an event, be sure to take many photos.

• Pick your locations carefully and use the highest quality setting your camera has, as many publications will need a high resolution in order to publish a photo.”

• If you know where and when you are going to be photographed for publicity, always be sure to wear colors that contrast with your surroundings.

• If you have any say in where you are photographed, try for a solid color background. This makes publishing your photo easier if a graphic or layout designer must manipulate your photo on the computer, resulting in a better finished product.”

“The final outcome of a published photo is very important to a Realtor’s personal branding, so make your photos work for you,” continues Mike Sumerlin. “If a consumer can’t distinguish you in a photo because the quality is poor or the photo isn’t engaging, you aren’t likely to make an impression. And most importantly, if possible make sure the RE/MAX Balloon is visible in your snapshot. Use the visual power of your brand to capture your future clients’ attention.”

Monday, September 21, 2009

RE/MAX of Texas Children’s Miracle Network CHALLENGE

Can the World’s Largest Real Estate Company Match the World’s Largest Retailing Giant Generating funds for Children’s Miracle Network®?
This is the world’s FRIENDLY-est challenge. Both RE/MAX and Walmart and our Associates and customers are legendary in their commitment and charity to CMN. For years the Walmart stores in Texas have led all contributors in donations to the nationwide alliance of non-profit children’s hospitals, with RE/MAX of Texas close behind.

“With this challenge, we are hoping to reach a number of ambitions that we have been carrying for many years,” says RE/MAX of Texas Charities Coordinator Whitney Peper. “Our offices have been doing an amazing job in doing their part to support local children’s healthcare, which in today’s economic client is more important than ever. But we want to go further than being the top Texas contributor to CMN, and we know how to do it.”

“We call it the three birds with one milestone approach. If every RE/MAX agent in Texas donated $100 to Children’s Miracle Network, RE/MAX of texas would reach three new heights as a region,” continues Whitney. “First, we would certainly finish the year ahead of Walmart. Second, the contributions would qualify every office in Texas as a RE/MAX CMN Miracle Office, making Texas the very first ‘Miracle Region” in the history of our partnership with Children’s Miracle Network. Lastly, this would make Texas the RE/MAX CMN Region of the year for an astounding third year in a row.
The benefits for RE/MAX offices to reach these milestones with their combined donation efforts are astronomical. ”

No matter who comes out on top in this competition, the community will ultimately be the winner. RE/MAX of Texas is offering one additional boon to motivate agents and offices into winning the challenge. RE/MAX of Texas COO and General Counsel Charles El-Moussa has publically declared that should RE/MAX of Texas raise more funds than Walmart, he will allow his head to be shaved at February’s RE/MAX Statewide Convention in Fort Worth.

As RE/MAX International closes in on $100 million in total donations, RE/MAX of Texas challenges our members to match the contributions of Walmart in the year’s final reporting period (August 1 through December 31, 2009) in any of the 13 CMN Regions in Texas. To donate to this great cause and help us give Charles a cold head this February, visit RE/MAX of Texas Children’s Miracle Network CHALLENGE

Friday, September 18, 2009

Distressed Properties - Our Business for the Next Three Years

While there are plenty of optimistic signs in the market and in the media, the storm engulfing the housing market is not over. The recession may be bottoming out, but housing expert and RE/MAX Chairman of the Board Dave Liniger is cautioning the industry to be prepared. Distressed Properties will be a significant part of our business for the next two to three years. How can Realtors get ready for another wave of foreclosures and short sales? Statistics that prove why having the CDPE (Certified Distressed Property Expert) Designation will only become more important to the of careers real estate professionals, and will arm them with the knowledge and resources to help clients during one of their most financially (and emotionally) trying times.

• There are currently 300,000 + monthly foreclosures in the U.S.
• There is another huge wave hiding; will get worse before getting better
• 5-7 Year ARMs will fail at a higher rate than even Sub-Prime loans
• Banks have been holding back on foreclosures at US Gov’t request, but are about to release them
• 1/3 of all US mortgages are in a negative equity position as of June 30, 2009, says industry analyst First American CoreLogic.
• Foreclosures should peak around Sept, 2011
• There is a severe lack of financing for higher end homes
• Highly likely that the $8,000 first-time-buyer Tax Credit will be extended

• 68% of all renegotiated mortgages go back into foreclosure
• Lender saves 20% of the loss by doing a SS versus a foreclosure
• 70% of all foreclosures never even talked to their Lender
• RE/MAX International being consulted by Congress, Federal Reserve, U.S.
• Treasury Dept about how to handle the flood of inventory and failing mortgages.

We can't stop the storm, but we can help others ride it out the best we can. Get educated today on how to help your clients through short sales and foreclosures and be prepared for what will continue to be a dominant facet of the industry for the foreseeable future. Find out about the CDPE designation today.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Generational Marketing - Age Appropriate Sales Tactics

Knowing how different generations approach the world can affect your bottom line.
That was the message Affiliates discovered during a featured session, "What Motivates Buying and Selling a Home for Gen X," at the 2009 RE/MAX International Convention.

Most people make a mistake in thinking that everyone views the world just like they do. But it's not true. Depending on which generation you belong to, your wants and needs can be completely different."

Understanding the differences between generations and then using that knowledge in your business can create customers for life.

People do business with people they like and who they think are like them. So you have to ask if you're distinguishing yourself in the right way to the generation you want to target. You need to know who you're working with now and decide if this is the generation you want to be working with in the future. And then you must ask, 'Am I marketing and advertising the way I used to, or am I keeping in mind the motivations of the people in the car with me? But remember, none of these tips trumps market knowledge and exceptional service. These are just the small things you can master to be more like the generations you work with.

The Mature Generation - 64 and older
Their view:

Experience is the best teacher.
Conforming is a good thing.
Still value moderation.
Expect some level of deference.
Believe in something larger than themselves.
Being a "regular Joe" is considered a complement.
Expect value based on their terms.

How to work with them:

Show your value by focusing on your experience.
Ask them to talk about good experiences they've had and then match what you do to those experiences.
Ask them for their rules of engagement. "What do I need to do to work with you?"
Testimonials from institutions are still highly valued. RE/MAX company history, size and accomplishments are a selling point.
Quality is very important, but must be measured through their experience. Ask them "How do you define quality?"
"Standard" and "prepackaged" is considered a positive.
Never mention that something is good for their age group. This is rude unless you're a member of their generation.

Baby Boomers - ages 45-63

Their view:

Defined by job.
Busy people and have been for a while.
Love their trophies. Success is visible.
Team players.
First "me" generation.
Forever young and rebellious.

How to work with Boomers:

Sell downsizing as a preference. They're not downsizing; they're moving to a preferred lifestyle or a preferred location. This can be a home near their kids or friends or a home that costs less so they have extra cash flow and a better lifestyle.
However you define success, the Baby Boomers are the ones who are going to make it happen as either your customers or your employers. Remember that this is the most influential generation.
Emphasize the time-saving elements you provide.
Help them gain control of their surroundings with your service.
Don't assume they're pro-technology. Discover if they like technology and then work with them accordingly.
Help them feel victorious when they make a decision. Tell them they made a "good decision" or "the right move."
Be optimistic.
Become a member of their team. Use dialogues such as, "I intend to be a part of your team." Teamwork means something special to this generation.
Remember that Baby Boomers are the first "me" generation. Tell them how you can customize your service to fit their needs. Ask them what works with their schedule. Use dialogues like "Here's what I can do for you."
Their children's opinions are important. Involve them in the process.

Generation X - ages 30-44
Their view:

Driven by individuality.
"Seize the day" worldview. They think three to five years ahead at the most.
Taught to always question authority.
Have no shared heroes. Heroes are a parent, grandparent or a coach ? someone who they've tested and retested.
Prove-it-to-me attitude.
The most loyal of all generations. They find people they can trust and they stay close, but they'll run you through the ringer in the process.
Look for short-term solutions.
They don't buy, they stalk. They gather a lot of information before buying.
They want to be involved. They use technology to double check everything.
Value their time above relationships.
Are in a position to buy and keep on buying.
Murphy's Law exists for this group. They're always looking for a Plan B.

How to work with them:

You, by doing what you do, are an authority. They were taught to question all authority so be ready to answer a lot of questions.
List every thing you have to offer them. All your service options, everything.
Have a pocketful of references from other Gen X'ers ready to give them.
Be prepared to answer "What have you done lately?" You and your company's history is not important.
Provide short-term solutions. Use dialogues such as, "We can have this done by the end of the day."
Provide backup plans. If something doesn't work out, have a plan B and C ready, and let your clients know what these are.
Involve them in the sales process. Give them the information you have and help them double-check your findings.
Your marketing should sell the steak. Tell them what it is, what it does and what it's for. No fluff, just the facts.
Be prepared to answer the question "why" a lot. This is not an attack on your credibility; it's how they were taught.
No hard sales.
Either enjoy, or appear to enjoy, your work. Have fun.
Create an e-mail list for this group and e-mail them neighborhood statistics and deals on homes in neighborhoods they might want to move to. Personalize these e-mails and then give your clients the choice to opt out.
Prove that your service can give them back their time.

Millennial - ages 29 and younger
Their view:

They've always been well-cared for.
Group oriented. They travel in packs.
Busy and stressed at a young age.
Future is short term. Instant gratification.
Raised as their parents' friends.
Not adolescents and not yet adults.
Huge goals, but are clueless on how to achieve them.
View adulthood as something they'll get to later. The Millennial at 28 or 29 was the Boomer at 21.
Peer-to-peer interaction is important.

How to work with them:

Remember, you can't look at someone who is 29 and think that you remember what it was like to be that age and it should be similar. It's not.
Whatever you do must have an immediate application to them. "Before the end of this meeting, this is what I'll do to help you." "Before this end of this phone call, this is how working with me will benefit you."
Tailor your business for them. What you do must be unique for them.
Show interest in them. Spend time with them. Answer questions. Become a non-stressful provider of information.
Capitalize on the group mentality. Find one that is well respected (not your kid) and take him and a group of his friends out to lunch. Then have them fill out a simple questionnaire about themselves, what makes them different and what those differences would look like in a home. Then teach them. Make them the experts.
Never sell to this group. Offer to help.

Monday, September 14, 2009

RE/MAX Offers Agents Healthcare Option

Unveiled at the Summer Broker/Owner Conference in Chicago, RE/MAX is taking a proactive approach the national healthcare crisis by offering healthcare options to agents in the United States. The new RE/MAX Heath Plus Benefits Plan offers comprehensive and affordable insurance options.

“No matter what position you take in the healthcare debate, there is no denying that millions of Americans are struggling to gain affordable health insurance for themselves and their families,” commented RE/MAX CEO Richard Filip, who noted the particular disadvantage Real Estate professionals often have in the area of affordable, comprehensive healthcare.

“Being independent contractors, Realtors often omitted from the health insurance benefits that others in our country enjoy, and often bare the hard expense of private insurance. We are happy to be giving our RE/MAX another option in safeguarding their health.”

Tell us what you've been doing to stay ahead of the Healthcare struggle.

Friday, September 11, 2009

A Day of Service

As we walk through the 8th anniversary of the September 11th Terror Attacks, our focus as a nation has begun to turn from mourning to service. If you watched any of the memorial ceremonies at Ground Zero or the Pentagon, you heard from the dozens of volunteers representing thousands of others who responded to the disaster eight years ago. Public officials and politicians from the President to the current and former Mayor of New York spoke about the importance of giving service to your community, your nation and your fellow man.

At RE/MAX of Texas, we feel this is a lesson Realtors know well. Our industry has always been about more than selling houses, but about being one of the many architects of the community. Community involvement, volunteerism and service are not merely ways to drum up business. They are ways to develop the community, increase your responsibility for its prosperity, and to help raise it up during or after crises.

At RE/MAX, we’ve taken a number of causes to heart, such as Children’s Miracle Network, to which we have donated nearly $100 million since 1991. We also support Komen for the Cure Foundation, something that hits close to home as we have many breast cancer survivors in our network. Their courage and fortitude inspires us to give more and help fight this deadly disease.

On a more local level, RE/MAX of Texas treasures its support of Happy Hill Farm Academy and Home, an accredited school and home located in Granbury Texas for seriously at risk children. Recently, RE/MAX of Texas was honored to be among the founding members of the Texas Sentinels Foundation, which provides life scholarships for seriously wounded veterans. These scholarships enable these veterans and their families to start rebuilding their lives and futures. On September 1st, we welcomed our first Texas Sentinel, Marine Corporal Donny Daughenbaugh and his family, who will receive a new home (courtesy of the Bay Area Builder's Association) as well as four years of funding for college and health insurance.

We aren’t saying this to pat ourselves on the back, but to illustrate that we are on the right track, that every day can be a day of service to the community. Everyday, Realtors from across the industry, from every franchise and every brokerage are doing their part to build up their community. Helping homebuyers achieve their dream of homeownership is a reward in itself. But just as we go a step beyond in our customer service, so can we go a step beyond in our community service.

Tell us what you have been doing to build up your community?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Keeping Safe During Showings

All agents need to consider their safety during showings, especially with the rise of vacant and foreclosed homes. The market is rife with short sales and foreclosures, and there's good business to be had there. But getting that business may entail showing vacant homes to strange men in bad neighborhoods. Crimes against Realtors are not unheard of and have actually become more frequent. Take bold steps to be safe.

1. Stand on the curb outside and wait for a prospective buyer to arrive. Keep your cell phone in your hand and call your office receptionist. Speak loudly enough to be heard by the client and tell your receptionist or coworker where you are and who you are meeting. Be sure to give the clients name, the address of the showing and a description of the car. It may annoy the client, but simply explain that this is company policy. Having heard this information given to a third party, the client is less likely to become an assailant.

2. Create a system with your office using code words. A good system is the "file system". If you feel at risk during a showing, call your receptionist and ask them to pull the "red file" on the address you are showing. The term "red file" will be a code for "Call the Police".

3. Never show a house when the office is closed. If you do, you lose part of your protection. Also, avoid showings at night.

4. Follow your intuition. If you feel very uncomfortable, don't go in the house. Open the door and step aside to let the client in. Tell them if they have any questions to come outside and speak with you. The point is to stay in public where the possibility of witnesses will deter an attack.

As foreclosures continue to swell in the market and agents find themselves showing vacant homes, we want to know YOUR methods for assuring your own safety or that of your agents during these showings. Please share your strategies with your fellow agents and let us know your best method for avoiding danger.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Decoding the $8K Tax Credit for Consumers

For a struggling house market, the $8,000 tax credit has been an invaluable step toward recovery. But many potential first-time homebuyers are uniformed or confused about the specifics of this government initiative. Lack of awareness about these finer details can prevent new clients from recognizing the great opportunity of homeownership. It’s now up to real estate professionals to keep consumers fully informed. So what are some of the first things Realtors need to explain to the consumer?

1.)What is a first-time homebuyer? A first-time homebuyer can be anyone who hasn’t owned a principle residence in the last three years. If your client is married, this means your client OR their spouse. Clients need to know if they qualify. If they think the credit doesn’t apply to them at the get-go, they won’t bother asking about it.

2.) Is the credit really $8,000 and will it need to be repaid?
The credit is 10 percent of the home’s purchase price up to $8,000. It is a true credit and the only repayment requirement is if the home owner sells the home within three years of purchase. Remember, many of the new first-time homebuyers are from the Millennial Generation. They are marked by their skepticism and sometimes even cynicism. They are always looking for the catch. Be sure to communicate that the tax credit is, indeed, free money.

3.)Are there are income restrictions? The limit on income is $75,000 for a single person or $150,000 for a couple to receive the full $8,000 credit. Credit doesn’t phase out completely until income reaches $95,000 for singles or $170,000 for couples. By the time you’ve answered this question, you’ve probably got a qualified and interest buyer on your hands. Be forthcoming about exactly what the buyer will be entitled to from the tax credit.

To aid consumers in understanding their all options, RE/MAX recently released a comprehensive program aimed at connecting first-time homebuyers with experienced RE/MAX agents to get the answers and find how they can become eligible for the tax credit before it expires on Nov. 30. First-time homebuyers are a critical component of the housing market recovery. The more homebuyers that know about and take advantage of this credit, the less inventory we’ll have on the market and the more home prices will stabilize.

So how are you promoting the $8K Tax Credit in your market?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How Green is Your Valley?

Demand for green is growing nationwide, and so is consumer savvy on the subject. While some companies are embracing green as a trend and revamping their products and services to be environmentally responsible, others are “green washing”, attracting clients with pseudo-green business practices that are more marketing than reality.

In the housing industry, the business of sustainability is complicated, and the need for expert guidance from Real Estate Professionals competent in what makes a home energy efficient and environmentally-friendly is greater than ever. Real estate professionals well-versed in sustainability and green building are in the best position to provide value to clients and to educate them on the difference between green and green washing.

But before you launch your business into the green movement, determine if it’s worth your while by looking at your resources. Now we aren’t telling you to ignore environmentally-friendly business practices, just make sure the needs of your market justify any shift in your business plan.

Some places to get started

1.) Evaluate your market:

What is the demand for Green homes and sustainable features in your market? Better yet, what does the inventory look like? Are there city-spawned initiatives to enhance energy efficiency and sustainability? Talk to your colleagues and put the feelers out for any indication that buyers in your market are indeed interested in green homes, but may need the guidance of an experienced REALTOR to find what they are really looking for.

2.) Get Educated
More green educational opportunities are developing every year in the housing industry, from the NAR’s Green Designation, to the groundbreaking EcoBroker’s Green Designation and other green REALTOR education programs throughout the country. Do some research and find out which educational avenue suits your needs and your schedule. The designation will show your client that Green has more than a vague meaning to you. For our RE/MAX Agents, don’t forget that earning anyone of the NAR recognized designations entitles you to use of the RE/MAX GREEN marketing materials available on RE/MAX MainStreet.

3.) Hook up with a Builder or Green Remodeler
Builders appreciate REALTORS who express an interest in their product, and are interested in working with professionals who can best represent that product. Green builders are the best source for learning the smallest details about sustainability in building and are valuable contacts. A quick Google search can help you determine what’s available and where.

So what’s green been doing in your market? Leave a comment and let us know about local demand for greener housing practices and how it’s affecting business in your area.

Monday, August 31, 2009


Welcome to the RE/MAX of Texas Blog, a place where real estate professionals from around Texas and the globe can connect to share insights, opinions and tricks of the trade with the real estate industry. With our emergence onto the Social Media scene, RE/MAX of Texas is broadening its audience and speaking to Realtors from every facet of the industry regardless of franchise affiliation.

It's a difficult time for today's real estate professional, but a unique time as well. Historically low interest rates combined with the first-time homebuyer tax credit and variety of inventory have made 2009 the best opportunity for consumers to realize homeownership and one of the best possible value for their investment. Unfortunately, consumer confidence is still shaky and Realtors must work harder than ever to reassure the public. Sadly, many Realtors are leaving the industry to return to the security of the 9-to-5 work week, or embracing unemployment.

RE/MAX of Texas wants to stem the loss of professionals from our industry. That's why you'll find this blog reaching out to more than just RE/MAX agents. We want to connect and share ideas and inspirations with the whole real estate community. We want to know what's going on in your market, what you are doing to keep business going, how you are adapting to market changes and what new ideas you are embracing to continue your careers' success!

For our part, we'll be offering insights, tips, news and inspirations of our own to keep you motivated and conversing with each other. Our main goal in this blog is to stimulate conversation between Realtors and real estate professionals. This is the time and place to let your voice be heard!


Richard Filip
RE/MAX of Texas