Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How Green is Your Valley?

Demand for green is growing nationwide, and so is consumer savvy on the subject. While some companies are embracing green as a trend and revamping their products and services to be environmentally responsible, others are “green washing”, attracting clients with pseudo-green business practices that are more marketing than reality.

In the housing industry, the business of sustainability is complicated, and the need for expert guidance from Real Estate Professionals competent in what makes a home energy efficient and environmentally-friendly is greater than ever. Real estate professionals well-versed in sustainability and green building are in the best position to provide value to clients and to educate them on the difference between green and green washing.

But before you launch your business into the green movement, determine if it’s worth your while by looking at your resources. Now we aren’t telling you to ignore environmentally-friendly business practices, just make sure the needs of your market justify any shift in your business plan.

Some places to get started

1.) Evaluate your market:

What is the demand for Green homes and sustainable features in your market? Better yet, what does the inventory look like? Are there city-spawned initiatives to enhance energy efficiency and sustainability? Talk to your colleagues and put the feelers out for any indication that buyers in your market are indeed interested in green homes, but may need the guidance of an experienced REALTOR to find what they are really looking for.

2.) Get Educated
More green educational opportunities are developing every year in the housing industry, from the NAR’s Green Designation, to the groundbreaking EcoBroker’s Green Designation and other green REALTOR education programs throughout the country. Do some research and find out which educational avenue suits your needs and your schedule. The designation will show your client that Green has more than a vague meaning to you. For our RE/MAX Agents, don’t forget that earning anyone of the NAR recognized designations entitles you to use of the RE/MAX GREEN marketing materials available on RE/MAX MainStreet.

3.) Hook up with a Builder or Green Remodeler
Builders appreciate REALTORS who express an interest in their product, and are interested in working with professionals who can best represent that product. Green builders are the best source for learning the smallest details about sustainability in building and are valuable contacts. A quick Google search can help you determine what’s available and where.

So what’s green been doing in your market? Leave a comment and let us know about local demand for greener housing practices and how it’s affecting business in your area.

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